Thursday, November 26, 2009


Little feathered friends from Anthropologie.
And some tropical charm..

Friday, November 20, 2009

Back to Black

Marilyn by Simone Williams
I actually love the photography more than the dress. Or may be it's just that look on her face? Anyhow, the chiffon looks gorgeous when it catches the air.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hey, dirty fellow!

From top left:
1. Clouds Within the Thunder Threadless iPhone case by Joe Van Wetering
2. Kisslock Clutch by Biana Edelman
3. The Sun Is Shining by Elva Fields
4. Serpentine Art by Guido Mocafico

Going for Gold

From top left:
1. Dotted Plate by Bailey Doesn't Bark
2. Signature Wire Cuff by Citrine By the Stones
3. Charm Bangle Set by Nathan&Moe
4. Filigree Spheres house lighting by Terrain
5. Gourgeois Bow Ring by Kate Spade
6. Beaded Pinwheel print by Kamal

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mr. Jones!

Sure, you can keep up the Jonses with these peculiar watches. Looking like something out of Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Jones watches tells you anything from what Average Joe does through the day, to how short your life actually is. And oh my, I almost forgot! They tell the time too.

Took me a while to figure this one out. But I must say I really like it!

The Average Day
The Mantra


Taking a moment to bring you Brevity. Pun unintended! I'm actually taking a break from the terrible stack of notes sitting on my table. Sometimes I secretly think they multiply while I'm away in dreamland.

So here I am, taking a brief break from exam preparations to show you Brevity's gorgeous cutout accessories from the Horo and Geometric series.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birds of a feather

Shrink plastic birdie charms by Little Doodles

Recycled paper notebooks by Cartolina via GreetQ

Limited edition Feather Thread Bracelet by Bonbi Forest

Owl wallpaper notebook by Rock Scissor Paper
Red Wren Origami Soap by Mozi
Birds in Blue Skies handmade necklace by Elva Fields

Birds of a Feather personalized Genealogy chart by My Tree & Me